In our modern society, people have developed an expectation of always being connected. With this mobility and mobility management comes great advantages, changing requirements, and the creation of new opportunities. Trojan Horse Security will help reach new audiences, spot trends, identify opportunities, and effectively connect with employees- all while lowering risk and cost. We offer the mobility solutions, services, and experience to help you get the most out of your business.
A comprehensive view: Connect, converge, and control
Take a holistic approach at mobility and mobility management by considering the three parts of a complete mobility solution: connect, converge, and control.
Connect– to employees, customers and citizens
Develop a plan for enhancing your employees’ productivity and privilege your citizens and customers with new services. As it is the new low-cost, versatile means for communication, Trojan Horse Security will help your organization achieve long-term success with mobility.
Trojan Horse Security will help you:
· Create a strategy that prioritizes your mobile opportunities
· Develop a device strategy
· Assess your mobile applications needs
· Extend voice, video communications, and collaboration
· Analyze cloud delivery options for mobile services
Converge – mobility into the backbone of IT
Converge traditional and mobile environments to optimize IT for mobility- reducing costs and increasing versatility. We will help prevent mobility from becoming another set of IT silos.
Trojan Horse Security will help you:
· Optimize your IT to integrate new mobile technology with traditional IT work
· Prepare and adapt your IT tools and processes for mobility
· Create order in your mobile IT house
Control – Ensure your mobility efforts generate value
Gain the business results you desire while reducing risks by managing and securing your devices and data, expanding security across your global constituency.
Trojan Horse Security will help you:
· Produce desired levels of mobile application performance
· Protect data on devices and in-transit
· Maintain protection of your intellectual property
· Ensure your communications, applications, and printing are in control
· Control costs
· Retain control of enterprise mobility for the future