Bring your security together for results that are noticeable.
Develop a governance framework that spans your whole organization to make certain that critical security systems meet or exceed performance standards, while at the same time minimizing risk. With our security governance methodology and IP, you will have complete and constant control of your security operations, risk exposure, and regulatory audits.
Trojan Horse Security Secure Boardroom
Based on the services we offer, this customizable management portal allows you to align your security with specific business drivers, legal and regulatory requirements, and threat profiles.
Security Governance portfolio
Our wide variety of services can help you:
· Manage risk with a comprehensive view of your security landscape
· Maximize resources through full supplier management and integration
· Ensure compliance with enforced policy and audit control
· Reduce administration with straightforward performance visibility and reporting
Our specialist service areas cover:
Trojan Horse Security Information Security Management Outsourcing Services
This service collects and analyzes security compliance and risk information. It
provides you with the assurance that service providers are putting in place the necessary security controls to meet SLAs and compliance standards.
Trojan Horse Security Secure Boardroom
Through a combination of services, innovation, and reporting tools, we provide you with the visibility and control you need to make business decisions based on legitimate risk assessments.
Account Security Governance
For individuals who benefit from Trojan Horse Security services, this ensures that we apply all of the security controls dictated in your agreement.